Trial of the Elements

Trial of the Elements is Book 2 in the Creativity Series. The story picks up with John still recovering from the attack he suffered in The First Story. Matt and John’s relationship has grown into something more romantic, but the world of Creativity is being rocked by Elements, personified parts of the Aspects’ stories, who are suddenly becoming autonomous.

Trial of the Elements

Worlds collide as Matt and John prepare for the trial of the bully who left him in a coma during The First Story. The trial is emotional and Matt is worried that it is too much for the still-recovering John.

In Creativity, the Elements, who had always been silent in the deeper stories, are now asking questions about their own existence and place in the world. They seek equality and sue the Aspects for their rights.

The trial begins in the “real” world but there is a complication. Baba Vedma, one of the most powerful Aspects, has changed places with John. The worlds continue to merge as a plot is revealed to take over all of Creativity and by extension, the “real” world.

Join the extraordinary cast of characters as they embark on another exciting adventure.